Supporting God's Work

We support three Christian charities through direct giving and through various events.

Church Army Africa
A Christian group supporting mission work. We are involved specifically in a church planting initiative in one of the slums of Nairobi, Kenya, with a school in central Nairobi and development of a maternity unit.

Scripture Union
Scripture Union is a Christian charity, inviting children and young people to explore the difference Jesus can make to the challenges and adventures of life.
Mission Without Borders
Based in the UK, Mission Without Borders is a Christian charity operating in Eastern Europe that works in partnership with local churches in some of the poorest countries in the region. The focus is on helping the most vulnerable children and families, in the most difficult places, to overcome poverty and experience fullness of life. Mission Without Borders help to provide welfare and support for those in need and believe that it takes a whole community to create happy and fulfilling childhoods.
Please Contact Us for more information.