Sunday Services
Sunday Morning Services
9am Holy Communion
11am Morning Service
At 9am at Christ Church we have a service of Holy Communion. A smaller, more formal service where there is an opportunity to meet with God. We do have music which tends to be slightly more traditional.
At 11am there is a more informal service with a mix of songs, preaching and prayers at Christ Church. On the 1st Sunday the service is Holy Communion with a range of music, liturgy and prayers. At 11am twice a month we have an activity time for children in the attached Christian Centre (details available from the office), on other Sundays we will have some activities for children, but we encourage families to join us for Check It Out, our Sunday afternoon service aimed at families (see below for details).
The major festivals tend to have a variety of services hopefully providing something for everyone.
We hope there is sufficient variety in our services so that everyone can feel at home in all our services. The current sermon topics and passages are provided on a preaching card which is available in church.
7pm Evening at Christ Church (fortnightly)
These services are usually a café style service where we sit around the tables at the back of church and have some input and an opportunity to discuss with others. We look at topics, a Bible book, or a contemporary issue. We seek in these services to allow a good opportunity for interaction and learning.
Occasionally on a Sunday evening we might have an informal breaking of bread, testimony service or Taizé style service.
Our service card will give details of when this service is happening and what we will be doing each evening. Dates are available from the office or on the calendar.