Latest News

We want to keep you up to date with all our news!  Please see the feed of articles below to view our recent news.

*** Remember the clocks go forward Saturday night/Sunday morning by one hour or you will be late for church! ***

Slides for Services
Please click here for the slides for our 9am service and our 11am service in a pdf format (updated Friday).

Church Family Notices

Monday 24th March
8.00pm - Ministry Leadership Committee
Tuesday 25th March
9.00am - Prayer Time on Zoom (link from
10.00am - 12noon - South Room Community Hub and Food Larder
3.45pm - 'Family' Bay Ignite at St Andrews
7.00pm - Prayer Gathering at St Andrews
Wednesday 26th March
9.45am - Babies and Toddlers at Christ Church (entry via Underdown Road)
6.45pm - Herne Bay Youth in the North Room
Thursday 27th March
12.30pm - Tea and Chat at Fish Inn Two
6.15pm - Bay Ignite in the Christ Church Christian Centre
Friday 28th March
10.00am - 12noon - South Room Community Hub
Sunday 30th March (Please remember to put your clocks one hour forward Saturday night)
9.00am - Communion Service at Christ Church
11.00am - All Age Church Family Service for Mother’s Day
7.00pm - Prayer and Praise Service at Christ Church
Monday 31st March
8.35am - Herne Bay High Easter assembly
2.00pm - Hampton Easter Service
8.00pm - Men’s Bible Study in the North Room
Tuesday 1st April
8.35am - Herne Bay High Easter assembly
9.00am - Prayer Time on Zoom (link from
10.00am - 12noon - South Room Community Hub and Food Larder
2.00pm - Hampton Easter Service
3.45pm - 'Family' Bay Ignite at St Andrews
7.00pm - Prayer Gathering at St Andrews
Wednesday 2nd April
8.35am - Herne Bay High Easter assembly
9.30am - Herne Bay Infants Easter Service
9.45am - No Babies and Toddlers at Christ Church (entry via Underdown Road)
2.00pm - Hampton Easter Service
6.45pm - Herne Bay Youth in the North Room
Thursday 3rd April
8.35am - Herne Bay High Easter assembly
9.30am - Herne Bay Juniors Easter Service
2.00pm - Tea and Chat in the North Room
6.15pm - Bay Ignite in the Christ Church Christian Centre
Friday 4th April
8.35am - Herne Bay High Easter assembly
10.00am - 12noon - South Room Community Hub
Sunday 6th April
9.00am - Communion Service in Christ Church
11.00am - Communion Service in Christ Church
7.00pm - Prayer and Praise Service in Christ Church
Tuesday 8th April
9.00am - Prayer Time on Zoom (link from
10.00am - 12noon - South Room Community Hub and Food Larder
3.45pm - 'Family' Bay Ignite at St Andrews
Wednesday 9th April
9.45am - No Babies and Toddlers at Christ Church
6.45pm - Herne Bay Youth in the North Room
Thursday 10th April
2.00pm - No Tea and Chat in the North Room
6.15pm - Bay Ignite in the Christ Church Christian Centre
Friday 11th April
10.00am - 12noon - South Room Community Hub
Saturday 12th April
9.00am - Men’s breakfast at St Andrews
Sunday 13th April – Palm Sunday
9.00am - Communion Service in Christ Church
11.00am - Morning Service in Christ Church
7.00pm - Café teaching service in Christ Church
Monday 14th April
8.00pm - Men’s Bible Study in the North Room
Tuesday 15th April
9.00am - Prayer Time on Zoom (link from
10.00am - 12noon - South Room Community Hub and Food Larder
3.45pm - 'Family' Bay Ignite at St Andrews
Wednesday 16th April
9.45am - No Babies and Toddlers at Christ Church (entry via Underdown Road)
6.45pm - Herne Bay Youth in the North Room
Thursday 17th April – Maundy Thursday
2.00pm - No Tea and Chat in the North Room
6.45pm for 7pm - Maundy Thursday meal and service – please sign up or ring 01227 749762
Friday 18th April – Good Friday
11.00am - Good Friday Service in Christ Church
2.00pm - An hour at the cross
Sunday 20th April – Easter Sunday
9.00am - Communion Service in Christ Church
11.00am - All Age Family Service in Christ Church
7.00pm - Easter Praise Service in Christ Church
Tuesday 22nd April
9.00am - Prayer Time on Zoom (link from
10.00am - 12noon - South Room Community Hub and Food Larder
3.45pm - 'Family' Bay Ignite at St Andrews
7.00pm - Prayer Gathering at St Andrews
Wednesday 23rd April
9.45am - Babies and Toddlers at Christ Church (entry via Underdown Road)
6.45pm - Herne Bay Youth in the North Room
7.00pm - Prayer Gathering at St Andrews
Thursday 24th April
12.30pm - Tea and Chat at Fish Inn 2
6.15pm - Bay Ignite in the Christ Church Christian Centre
Friday 25th April
10.00am - 12noon - South Room Community Hub
Saturday 26th April
9.00am - Ladies’ breakfast at St Andrews
Sunday 27th April
9.00am - Communion Service in Christ Church
11.00am - Morning Service in Christ Church
7.00pm - Café teaching service in Christ Church

Prayer Chain
The prayer chain is an opportunity to ask for urgent prayer. Please contact Anthony on or for requests for urgent prayer please text 07599 608041.

Upcoming Events

Diary Time with Anthony our Vicar
Anthony has, on a Wednesday afternoon from 3.30pm-5.45pm, blocked out three forty-five minute slots which could be a phone call, zoom call or meet at church. Anyone can book into these slots by ringing the office on 01227 749762.

Christianity Explained
We will be starting a new Christianity Explained course soon. A great course for those who want to explore what the Christian faith is all about. An hour a week for six weeks. Please book places by emailing the office at or ring 01227 749762.

Men’s Breakfast – Saturday 12th April
9am to 10.30am at St Andrew’s

Coffee, tea and a full English breakfast. A great chance to spend time together chatting and sharing experiences of being Christian men. Contributions of £2 on the day to cover costs but FREE to first timers.

Sign up on the list at the back of church or contact the Parish Office through email or phone 01227 749762.


Keeping Up to Date
If you want to keep up to date with developments in the Church of England one good resource is the Church of England Evangelical council (CEEC) website which can be found at the following link -

Safeguarding Training

For details of on line training for volunteers, please click here.

Food Available at The Larder
The South Room Larder is open every Tuesday from 10am - 12 noon for anyone in need of food.

Christ Church St Andrews have been privileged to provide food through The Larder, generously donated by the people of Herne Bay, local supermarkets and the church family.  If you, or someone you know is struggling, please come to The Larder at the South Room, William Street, Herne Bay on Tuesday between 10am - 12noon and we will do our best to help you.  Or, you can phone
07502 914375 leaving a short message with your phone number and we will contact you as soon as we can.

South Room
The South Room Community Hub is open from 10 am to 12 noon on Tuesdays and Fridays.  We aim to offer help and hope to all who visit including with job searches, benefit and housing applications, and signposting specialist support. Contact us via email: or just come along.

Prayer Gathering

Please click on the link below to find the topics from our latest prayer gathering or click HERE to open the document as a pdf. Please use the topics to inform your prayers over the coming month.
Our new website comes with an on-line Bible! Added by our new website provider ChurchInsight and powered by YouVersion.